Enhance the Appearance of Your Lips with Natural-Looking Fillers
Lip fillers in Denver are a non-surgical way to achieve fuller and defined lips, while still maintaining a natural appearance. Whether you want subtle fullness or more noticeable volume, you can expect our experienced lip filler treatments to help give you the appearance you desire, with the right education and experience. Here at Safi Miran, we only use hyaluronic acid-based fillers, a substance that is also found in the body, to restore hydration, lip shape, and smoothen fine lines. The procedure takes about 30-45 minutes, and we will use a numbing agent to reduce any discomfort. Results are visible immediately, but there may be some swelling that will subside within a few days.
Depending on your metabolism and lifestyle, enhanced lips will last from 6-12 months.Lip fillers can:
✔ Add volume for fuller lips
✔ Correct asymmetry and improved definition
✔ Smooth fine lines around the mouth
✔ Restore fullness that is lost through agingWe adjust our technique to enhance your lips natural beauty, so your lips will never appear over done.
If you are ready for your perfect pout, book your lip filler treatment at the Safi Miran!
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